Gazetteers and databases of buildings by area in the British Isles

United Kingdom

The government lists buildings of special architectural or historic interest via separate bodies for England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. They are graded according to their perceived level of importance. The listing gives a description with at least an estimate of date by style. See below for details by country. Local authorities have lists for their areas and copies are usually available in local libraries and/or archives.

Information on standing buildings investigated or recorded by archaeologists can be found in the Historic Environment Record (formerly and in some places still known as the Sites and Monuments Record) for each county, generally held by the county archaeologist. Those for Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are online both through their own web-sites (see below) and via the Archaeology Data Service, which also has records for London and some English counties. Many English counties have contributed their HERs to Heritage Gateway (see below), and some also have a separate web-site (see below).



Northern Ireland comes within legislation for the UK and thus maintains lists of buildings of special architectural or historic interest. The Republic of Ireland has a comparable system. Each local authority maintains a Record of Protected Structures, which may be included for their architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, technical or social interest. Unlike the system for the UK, no grading is involved.

Isle of Man

On the Isle of Man, the government registers buildings and structures identified as having special architectural or historical interest, and maintains a list of Registered Buildings (without descriptions.)

