Historic property taxation and valuation in Britain and Ireland

Taxation on houses and land over the centuries has left us with a valuable body of records for building history. Sometimes the government of the day carried out a property valuation in order to assess taxes due under particular legislation, or for other official purposes, which mainly tells us the names of owners and occupiers, and sometimes offers more. However these records are not always readily available. Few are in print. Some survive only for certain areas. And some - such as the hearth tax - will only be useful if you already know the name of the householder at the relevant date, for they do not identify the property. So it is generally best to start with the more recent records that identify a specific property on an accompanying map. So , working backwards in time:

Victorian and later valuations

Valuation Office Field Books

Tithe Apportionment and Applotment Schedules

Griffith’s Valuation

Scottish Valuation Rolls

Land tax

House in Bird in Hand Court, Cheapside, London 1812 (Corporation of London)Window tax

Hearth tax

Commonwealth surveys

Domesday Book

See also ecclesiastical surveys.