Bibliography of building materials
- Clifton-Taylor, A., The Pattern of English Building, rev. edn (1987): a survey of building materials.
- Salzman, L.F. Building in England down to 1540: a documentary history (1952, 1966) contains much detail on materials and their use.
- Campbell, J.W.P. and Pryce, W., Brick: a world history (2003). Heavily illustrated.
- Brunskill, R.W., Brick Building in Britain, 2nd edn (1997).
- The Isle of Wight Industrial Archaeology Society, Isle of Wight Brickmaking History.
- Jenkins, D., Architectural Brickwork (1990). Reprints 19th-century designs.
- Lloyd, N., A History of English Brickwork (1925, reprinted 1983). Heavily illustrated and includes a table of brick measurements with dates.
- Pavia, S. and Bolton, J., Stone, Brick and Mortar: historical use, decay and conservation of building materials in Ireland (2000).
- Wight, J.A., Brick Building in England from the Middle Ages to 1550 (1972).
- Wison, M. et al, Dating fired-clay ceramics using long-term power law rehydroxylation kinetics, Proceedings of the Royal Society A (doi:10.1098/rspa.2009.0117).
- Devon Earth Building Association has downloadable leaflets and a bibliography.
- Egeland, P., Cob and Thatch (1988).
- Houben, J. and Guillaud, G., Earth Construction. A Comprehensive Guide (1994)
- Hurd, J., and Gourley, B. (eds.), Terra Britannica: A celebration of earthen structures in great Britain and Ireland. ICOMOS UK/English Heritage (2000).
- Keefe, L., Earth Building: Methods and Materials, Repair and Conservation (2005).
- Little, B. and Morton, T., Building with Earth in Scotland: Innovative Design and Sustainability (Scottish Executive Central Research Unit 2001). The full text is available online and in downloadable pdf format.
- McCann, J., Clay and Cob Buildings (1983, 3rd rev. edn. 2004).
- Minke, G., Earth Construction Handbook (2000).
- Norton, J., Building with Earth: A Handbook (1997).
- Watson, L. L. (ed.), Out of Earth (University of Plymouth 1994). Papers from the first national conference on earth buildings in the United Kingdom.
- Watson, L. L. and Harries, R. (eds.) Out of Earth II : National Conference on Earth Buildings (University of Plymouth 1995).
Concrete and Mortar
- Eckel, E., Cements, Limes, Plasters, 3rd edn. (1928; facsimile Donhead 2005).
- Pasley, C. W., Observations on Limes (1838; reprinted in part Donhead 1997).
- Taylor, J., Lime: The Basics, Historic Churches: The Conservation and Repair of Ecclesiastical Buildings (2000). Links to various other articles on lime mortars and plaster.
- Vicat, L. J., Mortars and Cements (1837; reprinted Donhead 1997).
- Coborne, J., Stained Glass in England (1993): includes extensive, annotated gazetteer of noteworthy examples.
- The Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi is an international research project dedicated to the publication of medieval stained glass. The section for great Britain has made thousands of images available online in a searchable database.
- Cowen, P., English Stained Glass (2008).
- Imaging the Bible in Wales (database of stained glass and other artworks from places of worship in Wales 1825-1975).
- London Crown Glass Company, History provides an online chronology of glass manufacture.
- Marks, R., Stained Glass in England during the Middle Ages (1993).
- Raguin, V.C., The History of Stained Glass: The art of light medieval to contemporary (2008).
- Roche, N.M., Legacy of Light: A History of Irish Windows (1999). Includes information on historic Irish glass-makers.
- The Stained Glass Museum gives a brief illustrated history and illustrated catalogue with biographies of designers. It is particularly strong on Victorian stained glass.
- Campbell, M., Decorative Ironwork (1997).
- Geddes, J., Medieval Decorative Ironwork in England (1999).
See Interiors
- Bishop, C.M., Quarr Stone: an archaeological and petrological study in relation to the Roman, Anglo-Saxon and Medieval stone building industries of southern Britain (University of Reading 2001).
- Building Stone Resources of the United Kingdom (2001). Map published by the British Geological Survey in association with national heritage bodies.
- Clifton-Taylor, A. and Ireson, A.S., English Stone Building (1983).
- Davey, N., Building Stones of England and Wales (1976).
- Doyle, P., Hughes, T., and Thomas, I. (eds.), England's Heritage in Stone (English Stone Forum 2008).
- Durman, R., Ham Hill: Portrait of a Building Stone (2006).
- English Stone Forum provides news and information on building stone and stone-built heritage.
- Lott, G.K. and Barclay, B., Geology and Building Stones in Wales: Daeareg a Cherrig Adeiladu Yng Nghymry: North (Earthwise Discovering Geology Guidecards) (2002).
- Lott, G.K. and Barclay, B., Geology and Building Stones in Wales: Daeareg a Cherrig Adeiladu Yng Nghymry: South (Earthwise Discovering Geology Guidecards) (2002).
- McAfee, P., Irish Stone Walls (1997).
- McAfee, P., Stone Buildings (1999).
- Parsons, D. (ed), Stone: quarrying and building in England AD 43-1525 (1990). Includes the identification of building stones.
- Pavia, S. and Bolton, J., Stone, Brick and Mortar: historical use, decay and conservation of building materials in Ireland (2000).
- Stone Roofing Association gives an online guide to the history, geology and use of sandstone and limestone slates, including online reproduction of English Heritage publications.
- Billet, M., Thatching and Thatched Buildings (1981).
- Cox, J. and Thorp, J., Devon Thatch: An illustrated history of thatching and thatched buildings in Devon (2001).
- Egeland, P., Cob and Thatch (1988).
- English Heritage Guidance on Thatch, Context no. 75 (July 2002), Institute for Historic Building Conservation.
- Letts, J. B., Historic thatch (Ireland) study: an interim report, Context no. 56 (December 1997), Institute for Historic Building Conservation.
- Eames, E.S., Catalogue of Medieval Lead-Glazed Earthenware Tiles in the Department of Medieval and Later Antiquities, British Museum, 2 vols. (1978).
- Eames, E., Medieval Craftsmen: English tilers (British Museum Press 1992).
- Garside-Neville, S., A ceramic building materials bibliography (with a Yorkshire bias).
- The Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Society has published Lynn Pearson, The Tile Gazetteer: A Guide to British Tile and Architectural Ceramics Locations (2005) covering England, Scotland, Wales and the Isle of Man, and also provides an online database.
- TileWeb: An Archive of Paving Tiles in the Parker - Hore Collection, Worcester, and in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. An online, searchable database of watercolours of decorative tiles.
- Brunskill, R.W., Timber Building in Britain, rev. edn. (1994).
- Currie, C.R.J., The age of carpentry: the new art and society in Plantagenet England. Text of a lecture given to the London Society for Medieval Studies in March 1989.
- Hewett, C.A., English Historic Carpentry (1980).